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Think Equal Are Bringing Free Classroom Resources to Homes All Over The World

“Education is the most powerful weapon with which to change the world”. Nelson Mandela

In response to COVID-19, Think Equal are sending free children books and activities to homes all over the world. Think Equal books help to improve your children’s self-confidence, emotional literacy, diversity awareness and so much more. For more information on Think Equal see below.

Free Classroom Packs -

What is Think Equal?

The aim is to teach the program to every child aged 3-6 in every classroom in every country in the

world. Think Equal collaborates with governments, international institutions, private sector and

civil society in order to bring the program successfully to scale. Think Equal focuses in Early

Childhood, as neuroscience evidences that 90% of brain development occurs by the age of 5, and

that the optimal window of opportunity to modify behavior and attitudes is before the age of 6.

Why does Think Equal exist?

Think Equal’s mission is to teach all children to love, not hate, and teach them that all humans are

equal and equally to be valued. We want to eliminate discrimination and disrespect from the next

generation. We want to deprive the future of racists, rapists and dictators, and even of just plain

selfish, greedy and indifferent individuals.

Just as numeracy and literacy are regarded as mandatory, so must social and emotional learning

become a compulsory part of early education. In effect, our work is done when this new subject is

added as a core purpose of early years global curricula. Through fundraising support we can offer

our program for free to global educational institutions and sites.

What is it that Think Equal does?

Think Equal has developed the most comprehensive and holistic programmatic educational tools

that exist to-date. A plug and play program, it is the ‘IKEA of education’ (a flat pack of resources,

and step by step instructions on how to use them effectively). We have created 74 narrative

picture books, more than 150 resources, and 270 lesson plans. There are 3 age-appropriate levels

of the programme: level 1 for the 3-4 year olds, level 2 for 4-5, and level 3 for 5-6 years. These 3

levels teach the same critical 25 skills and competencies that are essential for children to have

positive outcomes in later life.

How does Think Equal do it?

Think Equal differs from other organisations who also fight discrimination or anti-social behaviour

in that we seek to impact children before prejudice has become a rooted part of their character,

and before anti-social habits have been formed. Thought leaders and world experts in neuroscience, psychology, education, gender, and human rights have been critical in developing Think Equal’s foundational programme for positive life outcomes. Some of the most respected

people in in the world in these fields are on our committee of experts. They have given us their

best practice tools and their input into the creation of new materials and of the structure,

methodology and pedagogy of the program.

Among our friends, patrons and experts, we count Sir Ken Robinson, Meryl Streep, Pope Francis,

Susan Sarandon, the Dalai Lama, Jeffrey Sachs, Dame Helen Mirren, Lord Rumi Verjee, Professor

Richard Davidson, Dr Marc Brackett, Vicky Colbert, UNICEF, UNESCO, Jamie Drummond and the AC

Milan Football Foundation to name just a few.

Mandela said that “education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world". We couldn’t agree more. “No child is born hating another human being because of the colour of their skin, their religion, or any other background. The child has to be taught to hate, and if he can learn to hate, he can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite”.

Instagram: @thinkequal


LinkedIn: @thinkequal

All images provided by Think Equal


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