How I went from 300 rejections to working at Google, Microsoft and Tesla in one year
"When women run together incredible things happen"
5 ways to build your body confidence
Becoming a mom didn’t stop my career
What it means to fight like a girl
The power of growth mindset and resilience
Has the pandemic shifted our perspective on what makes us feel fulfilled?
Success can come if you aren't afraid to fail
How do we become better Leaders?
Teaching girls bravery instead of perfection
A young entrepreneur's message to girls for International Women's Day
Close The #EntitlementGap with The Female Lead
How to Build Mental Strength
Saying yes when you really want to say no
Why I no longer retouch or pose in my photos
They told me I can't, but here I am
How to be assertive and stop apologizing
3 Important Lessons On Sustainable Well-being in Leadership
How to reduce stress and achieve success
The Female Lead's 5 Key Themes
How to Take the Stage
How and Why Emotional Intelligence is the Key to Your Success
How to Ask For Help