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Meet Phoebe Gormley: The Founder of the First Women's Only Tailor on Savile Row

How did you get to where you are today?

I was obsessed with textiles at school and started interning around Savile Row when I was 15. Every summer I’d come back to learn more – I couldn’t get enough! Eventually I went off to university to study Costume Design and Making with a specification in Tailoring. After my second year of paying £9,000 a year I decided I could learn more on the job rather than staying at university. I dropped out of uni and spent what should have been my final year of tuition fees on starting my business. I moved to Savile Row when I was 21, opening the first women’s only store on the street!

What do you do day-to-day?

My job varies every day. Some days I’m responsible for taking all the bins out and making tea for everyone and other days I’m meeting the Chief Executive of a global bank and completely redoing her wardrobe. That’s the great thing about being a founder – you get to wear so many different hats.

Where do you find your confidence?

I find confidence in the support I get from my amazing team. I know that when I do a good job it means that they do a good job too. There are times, as with all women, where you think that you’re not good enough to do something, but I think you’ve just got to be persistent and not let anything stand in your way.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

The best advice I’ve ever been given is not to let the distance between where you are now and where you want to be terrify you. You need to let it inspire you and act as if you knew there was no failure and you were going to be fine in the end.

Video from our 20 in 20s collection in 2016


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