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How did you first get into journalism?

I was always really passionate about music when I was growing up, I guess in the same way that most teenagers are. I worked putting on gigs when I was still at school and I started interviewing the bands that were performing. I have a really vivid memory from after I’d finished one of my GCSE exams – I remember sprinting out of the exam hall to go and do an interview. I wasn’t particularly inspired by the stuff I did in school so I had to keep my hobbies outside of school really full.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

Every single place that I’ve visited as a result of my work has meant so much to me. When you go somewhere to follow a certain story you see so much stuff that you’d never see on holiday. To be meeting people and following real life stories has been such an incredible experience – there’s nothing else like it.

Has there been a defining moment in your life that has made you who you are?

For me the most difficult moments in my life have been the ones that have also been the most defining. I left home when I was quite young and also left school when I was young, but all of that stuff has led me to what I’m doing now.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

As much as I’m really eager to do loads of things and do them quickly, one thing that’s really held me back is being a bit of a perfectionist. I always used to feel like I should maybe hold back in certain areas that I’m not really qualified in. I interviewed the writer Clive James about a year ago and he told me that I didn’t need to wait until all of my ideas are fully formed to explore them. He said I should just jump into them and start expressing myself more.


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